Zero-Harm Workplace
Mohawk is committed to fostering safe and healthy environments worldwide, where hazards are minimized, employee well-being is paramount, and safety is a top priority across all levels of operation. Safety is a core Company value that is continuous, driven by leadership commitment and embraced by all levels of employees in their daily tasks. Our dedication to safety extends beyond the mere prevention of injuries and accidents; we work to ensure that every employee feels confident and reassured as they begin their workday, knowing that their safety, health and overall well-being are fundamental values upheld by Mohawk.
We continue to our work toward lowering our recordable incident rate to 1.0 by 2030. In 2023, we achieved a recordable incident rate of 1.43, a 24% reduction from our 2010 baseline year. By prioritizing safety and employee well-being on a global scale, we not only protect our most valuable resource—our people—but also foster a culture of care, trust and resilience across all regions where Mohawk operates. Together, we work toward creating a safer, healthier and more productive environment for all.

Safety Management Systems
The Company's U.S. businesses have a robust safety management system (SMS) that tracks the progress each location has made toward Mohawk’s objective of becoming a world-class benchmark for industry safety. The SMS identifies gaps in localized training resources and assigns corrective measures to ensure we train all employees to perform their jobs safely and effectively. Individual facilities or functional areas within facilities use the SMS to demonstrate the maturity of their safety programs from level 1 to level 4 and identify steps to improve safety by advancing to the next level. The goal is to standardize our businesses’ approach to safety culture development, consistently and effectively share best practices and improve our safety performance.
Dal-Tile uses a similar SMS that consists of four progressive levels: Compliance, Operational Integration, Employee Involvement and Continuous Improvement. These levels validate the implementation of structured safety programs and procedures by manufacturing plant teams. The SMS not only establishes safety as an integral part of operations but also cultivates a mindset where safety is considered crucial to delivering high-quality products.
Logistics Safety
Due to our vertically integrated business, Mohawk runs a vast distribution network in the U.S. that moves our products between manufacturing facilities, distribution hubs and customer sites. More than 1,000 drivers transport our products, posing different safety challenges than those faced by our manufacturing, administrative and sales employees. The mobile nature of the job makes it difficult to communicate with drivers. We install technology in our trucks, including an electronic logging device, to stay in touch with drivers and to monitor their driving behaviors. This enables us to also give feedback to individual drivers on their performance and identify training opportunities for the fleet. The vehicles are also equipped with advanced safety features, including collision avoidance technology. In addition, we use on-board fleet telemetry (automated data transmission) systems to collect real-time data from over-the-road drivers. This data expands our understanding of safety risks facing our fleet division and allows us to better manage and enforce safe operating procedures.

Health and Well-Being
Mohawk prioritizes the well-being of employees and their families and takes a holistic approach to helping them improve and maintain their total health. Mohawk’s commitment to health and wellness care includes many benefits, resources, training modules and support platforms—many at no or low cost—which reflects the Company’s commitment to embracing the unique conditions and experiences that each employee brings to the workplace. Being a global business, we adapt the offerings based on the needs of employees in each region. These can include local healthy life centers, support services, telehealth, training and learning platforms.
The Mohawk employee benefits website details benefits available to U.S. employees and features health and wellness training and resources. In the U.S., our Healthy Life Centers (HLCs) offer employees and their family members covered under the Company health care plan:
- Acute care
- Chronic disease management
- Preventive exams
- Pediatric care
- Medication maintenance programs
- Pre-placement examinations
- Wellness coaching
- Integrated care coordination with primary care physicians
On-site HLCs are located at Company facilities with high employee concentrations and are available to health care plan participants as well as their covered spouses and dependents over the age of two. Near-site HLCs are offered at smaller locations, and virtual HLCs have been added to supplement the offering for the Company’s field sales and logistics employees.
Several of our global businesses have introduced initiatives to enhance overall employee health and well-being as well. Some examples include the initiatives below that demonstrate our commitment to fostering a safe work environment that prioritizes employee well-being.