Materiality and
Stakeholder Engagement

ESG materiality, as used in our ESG report and on this website, differs from the definition used in the context of filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

Mohawk’s refreshed sustainability strategy followed the 2020 update of our material topics, which helped us better understand what is most pertinent to our business and, therefore, those areas through which we can make the greatest impact. As part of this process, we sought input from external stakeholders, including residential and commercial customers, suppliers and industry trade association members, asking them to rate the importance of topics to their relationship with Mohawk. We used this input, as well as industry benchmarking and materiality studies specific to some of Mohawk’s regional businesses, to identify the following topics as high priorities.

Social Environmental
Ethics and Integrity Sustainable Product Design
Product Impact on Health and Indoor Air Quality Circular Economy and End-of-Life Solutions
Occupational Safety Waste
Talent Management/Diversity and Inclusion Carbon and Energy
Employment Water Stewardship

As part of our preparation for the upcoming EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive regulations, we have begun an updated third‑party‑led double materiality ESG assessment, which we expect to complete during 2023.

Stakeholder Engagement

Our key stakeholders include employees, customers, consumers, suppliers, investors and the communities in which we operate. We engage with these stakeholders consistently through a variety of communication channels, ranging from our employee intranet portals to customer surveys to ESG discussions with investors and analysts. We take feedback and incorporate it to shape a long-term strategy that will help us grow our business sustainably. We always appreciate feedback to make us better. Comments may be shared at [email protected].